Introducing Tetra
I'm extremely excited to announce the release of my first public Rust crate! Tetra is a 2D game framework, primarily inspired by the likes of XNA, MonoGame and Raylib.
It's got a lot in common with some of the other Rust game engines (GGEZ especially was a big inspiration with regards to how to structure the API), but some of the nice features are:
- Draw call batching by default
- Deterministic game loop by default (à la Fix Your Timestep)
- Simplified input handling (an imperative layer over the top of SDL's events)
- Pixel-perfect screen scaling (for those chunky retro pixels)
They say a code sample is worth a thousand words (or something like that...), so here's one of the examples from the docs:
extern crate tetra;
use tetra::glm::Vec2;
use tetra::graphics::{self, Color, DrawParams, Texture};
use tetra::input::{self, Key};
use tetra::{Context, ContextBuilder, State};
struct GameState {
texture: Texture,
position: Vec2,
impl State for GameState {
fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) {
if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::A) {
self.position.x -= 2.0;
if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::D) {
self.position.x += 2.0;
if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::W) {
self.position.y -= 2.0;
if input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::S) {
self.position.y += 2.0;
fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, _dt: f64) {
graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.769, 0.812, 0.631));
.origin(Vec2::new(8.0, 8.0)),
fn main() -> tetra::Result {
let ctx = &mut ContextBuilder::new()
.title("Keyboard Input")
.size(160, 144)
let state = &mut GameState {
texture: Texture::new(ctx, "./examples/resources/player.png")?,
position: Vec2::new(160.0 / 2.0, 144.0 / 2.0),
tetra::run(ctx, state)
The API is likely to evolve a lot over the first few versions as I actually start using the framework for my own projects, but hopefully that's enough to give you a gist of whether or not you'll like Tetra. If you're interested, please give it a try, and let me know what you think on Twitter or Discord.